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Base On 2015 design and Open the ejection molds for plastic parts, now we have long-term experience gained through installing over 20, 000 LED lamps, Jimmy LED Light has increased its warranty period to 4 years , Even under the most adverse conditions, such as intense heat in Cameroon or salty air along the German coastline, failure rates are still in the parts-per-thousand range, after years. And precisely that is what sets a Made in China product apart LED Lamp beads from SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR.

The decision of municipalities and industrial customers wanting to replace their HQL/NAV/ESL lamps in their street lights with energy-efficient technology generally means:

Complete replacement as well as disposal of old luminaires

Replanning according to standards by a light planner

Costly, time and labour-intensive conversion

High procurement costs for new luminaires and the work involved

With our constantly growing LED retrofit lamp range – developed entirely in-house and manufactured at our production plant in huizhou CHINA – we provide an alternative for HQL, HQI, ESL and NAV lamps that offers customers

Key advantages:

The existing luminaires are continued to be used

No costly replanning required as a result

The conversion merely comprises replacement of the current HQL or NAV lamp with our LED retrofit lamp. Our retrofit lamps are compatible with the old purely inductive ballasts. Only ballasts with ignition units must be bridged.

Entire rewiring is consequently almost never required – although this is advisable in order to also save energy used unnecessarily in the ballast

This buys time for monitoring the development of lighting technology and especially of LEDs. Retrofit technology is a cost-effective option for bridging this time while taking advantage of the savings potential that is currently possible – or an option that can continue to be used in the long term. Retrofitting of metal halide lamps to the most efficient LED generation in each case can be performed at minimum cost during running operation and as part of regular maintenance. For more information regarding the most suitable product for your lighting situation, and what to consider, as well as for further answers to questions regarding the service life, temperature management and economic viability, we recommend reading the article "led retrofit vs. integrated luminaires."

Proven countless times over,

Our LED retrofit lamps are already in use in their ten thousands in street and car park lights all over Germany. And this in all luminaire types; be it case lights along the street, mushroom-shaped luminaires in car parks or bell-shaped luminaires in a parks Comparison measurements before and after the conversion of mercury lamps to our LED retrofits indicate that light levels remain the same to the largest extent, with energy savings of more than 75%!!!! in some cases. Be it at the German North Sea coast, in the Ore Mountains or in the dry heat of Southern Europe – with a probability of failure of around 1% over 5 years, Our lamp retrofits are among the most efficient and long-lasting lamps.

Savings potential

As a result of the low retrofitting costs compared to complete street lights, our lamps pay for themselves within approx. 2 years, at an average burn time of 11 hours/day. Maintenance costs are minimised due to an extremely low failure rate, and cleaning costs are reduced because of less contamination caused by insects.

Besides the highest levels of efficiency on the market (as of today over 170 lm/W), an additional quality characteristic of the light-emitting diodes used by us is that they can be maintained. As is the case with all electronic equipment, there is one component that requires replacement for reasons of wear and tear. For a printer it may be the toner, for laptops it is frequently the battery, and for lamps this generally is the power supply or driver electronics. This lifespan-limiting factor in many cases causes the possible useful life of the light-emitting diodes not to be reached. For this reason we have designed all our products in a modular manner, allowing components to be replaced at no cost during the warranty period, and after that at low cost. This means that the service life can be more than doubled compared to other products.

Innovative tradition

Since 2015, we have continually been working on extending and optimising our LED retrofit product range. All versions have been developed by Rocfly Industril and since 2015 produced in units at our premises. You can find the data sheets for our retrofit lamps JL-16/16+, JL-20/20+, JL-16F/16F+ with asymmetric light distribution, JL-20F/20F+ with asymmetric light distribution , and JL-30/E27/E40.

Contact us should you require additional information, references, a quotation or a sample.  

Jimmy Led Light

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